August 17 - Ready to go!
The hoists were set to raise the hull to a height of 37” above the floor. Any higher and it would not clear under the forward cross beam going out. (It turned out that the trailer was up only 25”, so I had no worries on move day. This is the first time the bowsprit had been in full position because the hull was in the shop on a diagonal before with the bow pointed to the right of the door opening.
This photo was taken with a wide angle lens, which makes the bowsprit look longer than it really is.
Saturday, Oct 26th, 2013. That’s Gary’s neighbor Nick, checking out the brakes on his trailer. Gary had designed, built and installed the trailer pad mounts to keep the hull steady on the keel block. The bow sprit was removed for the trip on the road.
In her new home, Al’s 26 has a view of the Port, and is in the skilled hands of Gary and Linda now.