Our taxi driver dropped us off at 148 Boulevard du Montparnasse (14th arrondissement, very close to the 6th). The apartment that Camille and Ken rented would be our home for the next ten days.

We loved the lift which took us us to a .....

...spacious and airy six room flat. We had a lovely view of the Eiffel Tower from the dining room window, just off of this living room. Every evening the Tower sparkled for ten minutes each hour. The Dome of the Pantheon was visable in the other direction.

One afternoon we spotted a colorful and impromptu parade, sponsored by the
students from a technical
college who were advertising a school fund raising event. Jugglers and a flat bed truck with music completed the picture.

The tree lined boulevard softened the busy city street below, which is filled with shops, cafes and eateries.

We enjoyed a special Sunday lunch at The Closerie des Lilas, 171 Boulevard du Montparnasse. Opened in 1847, this was a favorite of Gertrude Stein and Alice B.Toklas, Henry James, Picasso, Hemingway and others.
------------ The Luxembourg Gardens ------------
The Luxembourg Gardens, a short walk from our apartment, is a center piece of Montparnasse. Dating from the 17th century they were inspired by gardens in Italy but have a distinct French feel.

The Medici Fountain is a famous focal point.
------------ Monet's Gardens ------------
A day trip to Giverny, Monet's Gardens, near Vernon.

Ken, Camille and Alain, our driver and guide.

Monet's House.

The Lily Pond.

Marc, Ken and Camille on the bridge.
------------ Notre-Dame ------------
Notre-Dame on the Ile de la Cite from the Left Bank of the Seine.

One of the Rose Windows.
------------ The Louvre ------------
Looking at the main entrance of the Louvre from the Place du Carrousel.

Interior of the Louvre entrance.

We toured some of the Egyptian Collection.
------------ Eiffel Tower and Other Sights ------------
The Eiffel Tower, 324 meters high, and weighing 7,000 tons, was built by Gustave Eiffel for the 1889 Exhibition. His intent was to demonstrate the capabilities of modern engineering.

The first level is 57m up.

Saint Sulpice, built in the 17th century, is one the largest churches in Paris.

Parc Monceau was designed for the Duc de Chartres.

Sacre Coeur, is perched at the very top of Montmarte, and offers extensive views of Paris.

Cafe scene in Montmarte.

Walking towards Pont Neuf Bridge we saw this parade forming.

A section of the Alexandre III Bridge glistening in the late afternoon.

Sainte-Chapelle, a 13th century Cathedral was built by Louis IX to house relics from the Holy Land. This second tier has the oldest stained glass windows in Paris. Today Sainte-Chapelle is surrounded by the Palace of Justice.

The Pompidou Center is a modern art museum and performance center and is named for French President Georges Pompidou (1911-1974).

This cheerful Merry-Go-Round caught our eye.

Old and new Paris with St. Eustache in the background.

L'Ecoute by Henri de Miller in the Place Rene Cassin.

Lunch at a side walk cafe near Rue de Ravoli.

The Tuileries is the most central park in Paris. It stretches from the Louvre to the...

Place de la Concorde.

Interior of the Musee D'Orsay. Formerly a railroad station it opened as a museum in 1986 and houses an extensive collection of Impressionist paintings.

Fountain at the foot of the Blvd Saint Michel.
------------ A Dinner Party ------------
A dinner party and visit with Ken and Camille's French friends.

Fanny, Julia and Elsa

Annamarie says a last good bye to Paris as we prepare to leave.