Savannah, GA - Apr 8th, 2013
Our plan was to park and see all the homes in old town Savannah. With limited parking we were advised to take a
trolley for a guided tour. The system we chose took a narrated route with numerous stops where we could get off to walk and explore. We also took the Historic House option, which included guided inside two homes and a school.
Inside the trolley
Our first stop was at the Ballastone Inn.

Lynne and Annamarie at the entrance to this historic-district 1838 house. In 1733, this site formed part of the southern boundary of the original settlement of General James Oglethorpe.
The Independent Presbyterian Church, where Window Wilson married Ellen Axson in 1885.
Housed in a building that was the first public school, the Massie Heritage Center is an excellent place to learn about the history and development of Savannah. Designed in 1856 in the Greek Revival style it was considered to be a good fit for the neighborhood.
A model of Savannah's entire historic district with a photo of the city on wall behind it.
Both being teachers, Lynne and Annamarie, are right at home in this classroom where they took a quiz about local history.
Handkerchief dolls, perhaps a typical school project.
The Isaiah Davenport House, built in 1820 in the Federal style. The builder and owner was a developer, who died in his twenties, leaving his wife to rent out the lower floors, while raising their four children. In 1963 it opened as a museum.
Gardens of the Davenport House.
Small fountain and pool.
The third building we toured was one of the first in the US with inside plumbing. It had three cisterns, each at a different level, fed by rainwater from the roof.
Front of Owens-Thomas House.
Back of Owens-Thomas House.
Gardens between the house and slave quarters.
Wrought iron trim on the street.
Planter box
After lunch we had delicious ice cream at Leopold's, which has been at this location since 1919.
Several houses showed a lot of wrought iron, like the following ones.
A very unique downspout.
Looking across the Savannah River.
The Cathedral Basilica of St. John the Baptist, is the Mother Church of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Savannah. Designed in the French Gothic style it was dedicated in 1876 and is one of the city's most famous landmarks.
This fountain, the centerpiece of Lafayette Square, was laid out in 1837. It is an important feature of the historic district and is close to the Cathedral.
The Six Pence Pub, formerly "Wally's Sixpence" offers both British and American fare.
Very ornate store front.
The Telfair Hospital for Females opened in1886 as the first hospital in Georgia dedicated exclusively to the care of women. According to our driver, if a male baby was born here, he had to be taken somewhere else within 24 hours. No other exceptions for males were allowed.
We're not sure how authentic the colors are for this house, but everything else seems to be well within what we think was traditional for the period.