The red roofs of the capital city, Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas, are so cheerful and add a special welcome to the start of our trip.

Bluebeard's Castle Hotel was our first stop in the Islands. A popular hotel with a long history,President Franklin D. Roosevelt visited here in 1934. At breakfast we sat across the room from Miss Lillian (Carter).

We had visited St. John's for a day during our 1979 trip to St.Thomas and we found it so intriguing that we decided to return for a longer stay. Our ferry brought us straight to the dock at Caneel Bay Resort.

The resort is located on a 170 acre peninsula in the Virgin Islands National Park. Founded by Laurence Rockefeller it is designed to blend in with the natural landscape.

One of the seven picturesque beaches.

The hotel arranged for us to see the Fourth of July fireworks by boat in the evening but that afternoon we were treated to a unique local parade. It's a Fourth of July we will always remember.

It had a distinct Caribbean flavor and we knew that the islanders were adding their own special touches to the festivities.

We did the 3.6 mile hike to Lameshur Bay where we were met by a ferry. Our ranger/naturalist guide made the walk very interesting.

One of the many ruins of the sugar mills.

An example of brain coral.

The Metropolitan Cathedral, designed by Spanish architect Claudio de Arciniega, was inspired by Spain's Gothic cathedrals. Constructed in sections atop a former Aztec sacred it took nearly 250 years to complete.

The Museum of Anthropology

Teotihuacan, 25 miles northeast of Mexico City, is known for some of the most significant Mesoamerican pyramids. We spent hours here exploring the extensive area. At one time Teotihuacan, with a population of 125,000 was the largest city in the pre-Columbian Americas.

Aztec Stone of the Sun dates from the early 1500's and weighs 54, 210 pounds. It is one of the most famous pieces of Aztec sculpture.

The Museum of Anthropology is located on 20 acres in Chapultepec Park. Art from the Aztec, Olmec, Toltecs, and Maya are represented here as well as displays of contemporary rural Mexican life.