Palm Desert, CA - December 2014Other Species
Great Egret (Salton Sea)

Red-breasted Merganser (female - Salton Sea)

Cedar Waxwing (Joshua Visitor's Center, Twenty Nine Palms)

Cedar Waxwing (Group - Coachella Valley Preserve)
Greater Roadrunner (Sunnyland, Palm Desert)

Phainopepla (Big Morongo Preserve)

Phainopepla (female)

Phainopepla (female, Sunnylands - Palm Desert)

Big-horn Sheep (Tahquitz Canyon - okay, we know it's not a bird, but this was exciting to see.)

Big-horn_Sheep (with collar and tag. The ranger said the preserve tags them to see where they range.)

Northern Mockingbird (Dec 28 10:42)

Northern Mockingbird (Dec 28 10:43)

Yellow-rumped Warbler (Dec 28 11:00)

Yellow-rumped Warbler (Dec 28 11:00)

Yellow-rumped Warbler (Dec 28 11:01)

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