Other Bird Photos - March 2014
Wood Duck (Pinckney Is., Hilton Head Is., SC)

Anhinga (Huntington Beach State Park, SC)

Tricolored Heron (Huntington Beach State Park, SC)

Osprey (Amelia Island, FL)

Royal Tern (Amelia Island, FL)

Laughing Gull (Amelia Island, FL)

Greater Yellowlegs (Huntington Beach State Park, SC)

Willet (Huntington Beach State Park, SC)

Sanderling (Huntington Beach State Park, SC)

Red-winged Blackbird (Huntington Beach State Park, SC)

Northern Cardinal (Pinckney Is., Hilton Head Is., SC)

Northern Cardinal (Marriott Ocean Watch, Myrtle Beach, SC)

Double-crested Cormorant (Marriott Surf Watch, Hilton Head Is., SC)

Barred Owl (Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge, GA This is the only photo in the log shot with Al's iPod.
He forgot to bring the spare battery on the swamp tour. Annamarie was the only one to spot the owl.)

Black Vulture (Edisto Beach State Park, SC)

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